Skali lagi kita bertemu di ruang blog kali ini..jam 9.26 waktu morocco skang nih..orang masih tidur lagi..selesa walaupun bunyi kereta dan motosikal sesekali datang ngacau..relaxx..[tak macam di sebelah sana] tidur sambil di sulami bunyi dentuman Sawarikh..[peluru berpandu]..tak relaxx..silap silap nyawa melayang..
Dunia sibuk dengan perarakan membantah perang sana sini..hehe..bersyukur Malaysia juga berusaha membantu menggunakan wasilah yang hanya mampu di lakukan oleh umat Islam tika ini..BERDOA..eloklah..doa senjata muslimin..
Aku dapat email yang jenis forward2 neh pagi tadi..jadi aku baca lah email yang di hantar oleh ayah ku neh..sebelum tuh..aku tak layan sangat email forward neh..ada mood tengok lah..tak de mood..memang terdelete dengan sengaja lah jawapnya..email yang ku dapat di bulk mesej tuh..tanpa tengok..memang ku empty terus..tiba tiba hari nih ku nak jadi penyiasat..[pengaruh movie]..
Mungkin korang pun dapat..atau pun sudah pun tahu..hehe..dapat email yang kunun nak cari duit dari hantar email tuk biayai anak dia yang sakit leukimia..mula tuh..aku pun kesian jugak lah..dan aku pun try nak cari kat internet..nama yang ada kat gambar kat bawah neh..george arlington..who are you?..hehe
Teks bawah nih adalah teks yang tertulis kat gambar atas tuh..
Subject: Leukaemia - Please read then Forward
If you delete this ... you seriously don´t have a heart.
Hi, I am a 29 year old father. Me and my wife have had a wonderful life together. God blessed us with a child too. Our daughter´s name is Rachel, and she is 10 years old.
Not long ago the doctors detected brain cancer and in her little body. There is only one way to save her...an operation. Sadly, we don´t have enough money to pay the price. AOL and ZDNET have agreed to help us. The only way they can help us is this way, I send this email to you and you send it to other people. AOL will track this email and count how many people get it.
Every person who opens this email and sends it to at least 3 people will give us 32 cents.
Please help us.
George Arlington
Buka lah search engine terbaik bagi aku..YAHOO DA GREAT..tulis george arlington..dan puff..kluar lah senarai dia tuh...dan jumpa satu artikel dari Bella Online,The Voice Of Women..[kerana dirimu begitu berharga]..hikss..yang juga telah menyiasat Surat ineh..[Ada orang awal dari aku lagik..cess]..surat dia berbunyi begini..
George Arlington Leukemia and Brain Cancer Hoax
This email message claims that George Arlington´s young daughter is dying of leukemia or brain cancer (depending on the email). It is a HOAX. Strangely, this daughter ranges (again, depending on the email) from 10 months to 10 years old. The version below has her at her oldest.
If you get this email, please delete it and warn the sender that it is a HOAX. This man does not exist, and AOL and ZDNET certainly do not have any plan like this. No money will be given. Neither company has any way to "track" the email that you send! Thank goodness for that!
The American Cancer Society was a target of this hoax for a while. They repudiated it and now the hoax often names AOL or others as the donor. NONE will donate money for this email message being forwarded. If you want to give money to cancer research, donate directly!
The American Cancer Society says:
Another hoax uses a chain letter claiming the American Cancer Society (ACS) will donate three cents to cancer research for every letter forwarded to someone else. The ACS has no connection to the letter and regrets people are fooled into thinking they are helping the organization by perpetuating this e-mail message...
Haaa..kan dah selesai..penyiasat ais putih berjaya menyelesaikan satu kes..jadi nyer..
[Dong Dong Dong]
Bunyi tukul kat meja hakim tuh